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Choosing Energy-Efficient Garage Doors

Choosing Energy-Efficient Garage Doors

Garages are rarely connected to a home’s heating and cooling system, so why insulate a garage door? Energy-efficient smart garage doors offer a range of advantages, from cooling the garage during hot weather to offering better security. The right garage door can even...
Choosing the Best Air Purifier and Eliminating Indoor Air Pollution

Choosing the Best Air Purifier and Eliminating Indoor Air Pollution

According to the US Consumer Product Safety Commission, the average American spends an average of 90 percent of their lives indoors. As a result, many Americans are exposed to a wide range of indoor air pollutants over long periods of time. This is especially true in...
Understanding Heat Pumps

Understanding Heat Pumps

For climates with moderate heating and cooling needs, heat pumps offer an energy-efficient alternative to furnaces and air conditioners. Like your refrigerator, heat pumps use electricity to move heat from a cool space to a warm space, making the cool space cooler and...
Maintaining Your Air Conditioner with May Unlimited HVAC

Maintaining Your Air Conditioner with May Unlimited HVAC

An air conditioner’s filters, coils, and fins require regular maintenance for the unit to function effectively and efficiently throughout its years of service. Neglecting necessary maintenance ensures a steady decline in air conditioning performance while energy...
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